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Art Adventure

An opportunity for children to have hands-on experiences in producing creative expressions and art, enhanced by the integration of art history

The art teacher in Nordhavn, Debdutta Dasgupta, has announced another round of Art Adventure at Havnekulturkontoret.
She is an artist with years of experience in working with children of various age groups and abilities.

This time children between 5 and 10 years are invited to have fun with art, stimulating them through creative and imaginative concepts:

  •  A drawing adventure: Children will be encouraged to make a run with their imaginations and colour it with a variety of oilpastel colours. Concepts of primary colours and secondary colours will be introduced with illustrations of what happens when various colours are mixed.
  • The scribble story: Create art with scribbles and patterns. A variety of shapes will be introduced and how they create art. Create a complete picture with the patterns and shapes. The famous little mermaid will be recreated on paper out of shapes and patterns.
  • The number path: Illustrate a book cover with number drawing. Children will be encouraged to think up their own animal protagonist and will try to draw them and paint a story around the character with help of numbers and colours.
  • Greeting cards: Seasonal greeting cards will be created out of geometric shapes that will be cut out. This tests the students concentration and coordination and they normally find it a fun project. A greeting card with scratch art session will also be scheduled.
  • Stone cave painting: A storytelling session about the Stone Age and the beginning of human settlement. On a piece of stone the children will paint with acrylic colours.
  • Fun with watercolours: Water colours will be introduced to paint fruits, vegetables and other compositions.
  • Art appreciation: An artist of repute and his famous work will be introduced to the class and they will be encouraged to analyse it and paint their own composition inspired by the masterpiece. Acrylic colours will be used as a medium.
  • Canvas: Each child will have a small canvas to finish the art sessions making their own creation with bright acrylic colours.

The Art Adventure
Who: Children age 5 to 10. The space is limited to ten participants per class
Where: Havnekulturkontoret Nordhavn. Århusgade 126, 2150 Nordhavn
When: April 16 to June 18 on Tuesdays from 16.00 to 17.30 

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