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Burglars escaped civil arrest

blaaWe have received the following report from a resident on Amerika Plads:

Tuesday October 1. at 14.03, there was a renewed attempt to break in to a flat on Amerika Plads. Fortunately, the burglary was prevented by a neighbor (‘G-man’) in a most spectacular way.
G-man spotted a gang of 3 suspiciously looking Middle-Eastern men passing by Salon DU NORD, Amerika Plads 34. The men looked very similar to the 4 men who committed a daylight burglary last August (the gangsters were captured on the surveillance camera). G-man tracked the burglars down and caught them in “flagrant delict”, that is, while they were forcing their way into the building with a crowbar.
G-man knocked down one of the burglars and held him tight to the ground in the attempt to ‘arrest’ him.

During the action, the other two guys retaliated by attempting to stick G-man with a long screwdriver. G-man was forced to let the 3rd man go so they ran away.
However, G-man chased them down Dampfærgevej in the direction of Netto. When G-man was about to recapture the last man, the burglar sprayed G-man with a pepper spray into his face multiple times. The burglars managed to get into their car and escape.

In the attempt to escape rapidly, the burglars tried to drive over G-man with their vehicle. There were multiple witnesses of the street chase, the pepper-spraying incident, as well as of the attempt to drive G-man over.
There were taken photographs of the fugitives and their vehicle.
Copenhagen Police are on the case. The police officers appear cautiously optimistic that this time they may catch them. The car used by the burglars was not stolen, which means that it belongs to a person involved in the incident.
We appeal to all people in our lovely neighborhood to exhibit extreme vigilance. We also appeal to the Grundejerforening (GAP) to encourage their members (the individual Ejerforeninger) to secure main entry doors of the buildings, that apparently can be force-opened easily with a screwdriver.


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