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The CIS Sustainability Day

cisOn Thursday May 2., Copenhagen International School held Sustainability Day with workshops, keynotes, events and studies in the UN 17 Sustainability Development Goals. There was a lot to learn and think about for everyone.

Students in Grades 4 & 5 took part in a Climagination Workshop in the High School Greenhouse. The process began with a closed-eye journey in the time machine of the imagination. Students looked around and imagined what life will be like in 2050 when we have achieved a sustainable way of life. What is your life like? Where are you? What do you do? What do you eat? What do you do for fun? How do you get around? They traveled back to the present and opened their eyes. The students then drew pictures of what they saw in the future.

The drawings are hung in a small art gallery by the Princess’s Corner where CIS community members can see them and be inspired by the ideas.
Students in Middle and High School met presenters from the City of Copenhagen, Denmark’s Technical University, Plantier, and Copenhagen University and took part in interactive presentations on Visions for Copenhagen as a Sustainable City, Clean Energy, Food Sustainability, and Sustainable Cities & Communities.

cisThe UN17 Board Game
Students in Middle School also got to be the very first to test The 17 Game, a brand new board game inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The workshop was led by the inventor of the game, Mandie Kramer, who works as a middle school science teacher at an international school in Malmö.
The aim is to make the players able to take action and work towards the UN development goals in real life. The game facilitates a lot of dialogue, and through the game you are forces to take som difficult life style choices. It is a rather complex boardgame but also a lot of fun and I have had some good feeddback on it till now, tells Mandie Kramer. She is the founder of Social Impact Revolution’ a smalle company that prdouces educational tools in the field of environment and the UN17 Development Goals. (

All day the students took part in workshops and presentations from Zero Hunger, Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production and Partnerships for the Goals. Co-founders of Plantier, Poornima Luthra & Vivienne Robinson talked on the subject of food sustainability: How our food consumption affects the environment.

cisHow a flexitarian/planetary diet that has more plant-based foods would benefit the planet. Practical tips on how to eat more plant-based
There were also scientific presentations from Sustainable cities & communities by University of Copenhagen Anthropology, Nordhavn Energy production & clean energy by Technical University of Denmark. And Food Sustainability: Moving towards Plant-based food by Plantier.

In the words of one of the participating CIS teachers: Wow! What an inspiring afternoon of activities. I can’t believe how fortunate our students are to be at a school like CIS.


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